
Somewhat subpar Python code for loading the latest energy usage data from the Octopus API and importing it into InfluxDB

Primary LanguagePython

Octopus Data importer

Simple and somewhat subpar slurper. Initialises (if needed) a dataset in InfluxDB, loads the latest energy usage data from Octopus' API, and loads it into InfluxDB.


Copy env-sample to env and add your account details:

  • DEBUG - Boolean, set to True by default. Set to False for less output.
  • OCTOPUS_API_KEY - the API key for your Octopus account. Usually starts with sk_live_
  • MPAN - your electricity meter's point ID
  • ELEC_SERIAL - your electricity meter's serial number
  • MPRN - your gas meter's point ID
  • GAS_SERIAL - your gas meter's serial number
  • GAS_FACTOR - important if your gas meter is Smart. Set to 0 if it isn't, set it to something else if it is. I don't understand this one.
  • INFLUXDB_HOST - InfluxDB hostname or IP address
  • INFLUXDB_PORT - What port InfluxDB is accessible on
  • INFLUXDB_USE_SSL - Whether InfluxDB uses SSL; set to False if not
  • INFLUXDB_VERIFY_SSL - Whether to verify the certificate. Set to False if you use a self-signed certificate or certificate authority not included in standard CA bundles
  • INFLUXDB_USE_DB - Name of the InfluxDB bucket to store data in

Docker (to-do)

Start up the container with docker run --rm -dv path-to-your-env-file:/env maffsie/octopus-importer

Leave it running.

Something else

Open a terminal and run python run.py.