Simple and somewhat subpar slurper. Initialises (if needed) a dataset in InfluxDB, loads the latest energy usage data from Octopus' API, and loads it into InfluxDB.
Copy env-sample
to env
and add your account details:
- DEBUG - Boolean, set to True by default. Set to False for less output.
- OCTOPUS_API_KEY - the API key for your Octopus account. Usually starts with
- MPAN - your electricity meter's point ID
- ELEC_SERIAL - your electricity meter's serial number
- MPRN - your gas meter's point ID
- GAS_SERIAL - your gas meter's serial number
- GAS_FACTOR - important if your gas meter is Smart. Set to 0 if it isn't, set it to something else if it is. I don't understand this one.
- INFLUXDB_HOST - InfluxDB hostname or IP address
- INFLUXDB_PORT - What port InfluxDB is accessible on
- INFLUXDB_USE_SSL - Whether InfluxDB uses SSL; set to False if not
- INFLUXDB_VERIFY_SSL - Whether to verify the certificate. Set to False if you use a self-signed certificate or certificate authority not included in standard CA bundles
- INFLUXDB_USE_DB - Name of the InfluxDB bucket to store data in
Start up the container with docker run --rm -dv path-to-your-env-file:/env maffsie/octopus-importer
Leave it running.
Open a terminal and run python