
Telegram auto filter bot with mango DB support

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram auto filter bot with mango DB support Slam

owner of this repo :- Mafia

You can call this as an Auto Filter Bot if you like :D

This is Version 1 of Auto Filter Bot

Bot simply search for the files from provided channel according to given query and gives link to those files as buttons!

How to use the bot

  • Add bot to your group with admin rights.

  • Add bot to all channels which you want to link with all admin rights!

Bot Commands - Works in Group only

(You need to be a Auth User in order to use these commands)

  • /add channelid - Links channel to your group. or
  • /add @channelusername - Links channel to your group.

NOTE : You can get your channel ID from @Get_Channel_User_Telegram_ID_Bot

  • /del channelid - Delinks channel from group or
  • /del @channelusername - Delinks channel from group

NOTE : You can get connected channel details by /filterstats

  • /delall - Removes all connected channels and filters from group!

  • /filterstats - Check connected channels and number of filters.


  • TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather

  • APP_ID - From my.telegram.org

  • API_HASH - From my.telegram.org

  • TG_USER_SESSION - A pyrogram user session string. Generate by clicking here

  • AUTH_USERS - ID of users that can use the bot commands. Get from MissRose Bot by using /id command

  • DATABASE_URI - Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.com/

  • DATABASE_NAME - Your database name from mongoDB. Default will be 'Cluster0'

  • DOC_SEARCH - Should bot search for document files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )

  • VID_SEARCH - Should bot search for video files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )

  • MUSIC_SEARCH - Should bot search for music files ( Give 'yes' or 'no' )


Deploy to Heroku



*Erichdaniken :- For Mango DB