
Curated list of MafiaUnity mods

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Curated list of MafiaUnity mods

This is a curated list of mods specifically made for MafiaUnity. Each mod is checked and tested to avoid malicious links or content.

How to submit a mod?

Edit this README.md file and add your mod to the suitable category. Entries always follow this format:


such as

Afterwards, create a pull request with your name and state all mod changes in the description.

How to apply for modder role on our Discord server?

If you want to apply for a modder role and share your mods with others on the server, ask our Mod Curators about it. They will review your past contribution and decide based on that. Note that your application might get rejected and you should repeat the process only after 7 days pass.


We are not responsible for any direct/indirect damages that could be caused by provided links neither their content associated. Modder is responsible for ownership of his work and his actions. While we don't support stolen work and malicious content, it is out of our control whether the modder has violated any laws and therefore modder himself shall be contacted for any infringement caused.

You can report any issues or abuse to one of our administrators or by sending an E-Mail to our team.

Table of Contents






Editor Plugins


Total Conversions
