
Cherie App

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


You wanna record a sound and play it on a different phone with notification enable? Here we go ;-)

Getting Started

  1. Go to "appsettings.json" of the project "CherieAppBankSound" and add a SQL Connection String
  2. "Add-Migration Init" in the Package Manager Console
  3. "Update-Database"
  4. Deploy the "CherieAppBankSound" to an Azure Web App.
  5. Get its URL.
  6. Replace it in "CherieAppUploadZik" and "MAUICherieApp" appsettings.json
  7. Deploy the Sound Maker on a phone (=> CherieAppUploadZik).
  8. Deploy the Sound Listerner on a phone (=> MAUICherieApp).
  9. Enjoy making sounds and play it on another phone.
  10. [Facultative] Just use "debug-wifi.ps1" to deploy them wirelessly.