

This AWS project is an serverless application that runs automatically using EventBridge events.

Daily flow:

Everyday a lambda function is triggered and chooses a random pet's name from a given list. The pets name and a timestamp are added to a DynamoDB Table. Using DynamoDB Streams another lambda is triggered and sends an email to an email list using AWS Simple Email Service (SES).


There are two lambdas that are using the data from DynamoDB Table to calculate pet's statistics.


Monthly lambda calculates statistics on which pet has been chosen the most times overall and sends results once a month. There is also an S3 bucket that stores photos of every pet. A presigned URL to a photo of the pet who wins the statistics is sent alongside statistics in the email.


Weekly lambda calculates statistics from last week and weekly sends an email with results. In this case photo from S3 is also send.


This project is built using AWS Serverless Services according the schema shown below. Infrastucture was built using Terraform.

PETSAPP drawio