In this investigation, data cleaning and manipulation were performed and descriptive statistics were applied to discover correlations.

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In this dataset investigation, data cleaning and wrangling were done and descriptive stats were applied to find correlations


  • Trend of gun registration shows some positive correlation with some life threatening events in state Louisiana and Texas (2005-2006 during hurricane Katrina and 2012 The Sandy Hook school shooting
    as discussed in Q5 and also seen in 9/11 event.
  • There is a positive correlation between the percent of White population percent in a state and the registered guns per capita in this state based upon statistics 2016
    as discussed in Q6
  • In the majority of months, the registeration did not exceed 100,000. as discussed in Q7

Notes:(Resubmission Note)
The above conclusions were limited by the followings:

  1. Guns registration data file:
  • We can't be certain that the number of guns registered is the same as the ones sold as per Harvard study _here .

A forthcoming study conducted by Harvard researchers found that roughly 40 percent of respondents had acquired their most recent firearm without going through a background check.

  • The Data file contained information about 55 states(with non-official 5 states) . I omitted those data to match census dataframe.
  1. Census Data:
  • Only year 2016 was analysed. This is because it was the year that only carried some complete data about the race's percentage. Further investigation of other years and going through some other important factors like non-employment, income per capita, persons per square feet could make the conclusions more precise.
  • All footnotes were eliminated to get numerical data.
  • Data file was not consistent about expressing the percentage, sometimes with the symbol % and sometimes with decimal point. This was overcomed by data manipulation but it can affect the accuracy of the data.