Magento 2 Docker

You have to install docker on your machine. If you are running Mac OS it is assumed you use Docker for Mac.


There is a file which holds a lot of configurations. There are some general settings:

  • magento.version: Select the magento version being installed
  • If true the sample data will be installed

There are further settings for the Magento 2 instance which you can set to your wishes. If you want to change the base url you also have to change the nginx configuration in conf/nginx/conf.d/vhost-default.conf.


## set up docker instance and install magento in developer mode
ant build

## enter the ip address of the dev machine into your hosts file
echo " magento2.docker" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Develop Magento modules

Checkout your modules into src directory e.g. git clone src. Next open the gulpfile.js and edit app/code/Vendor/MyModule/ of options array to your module name.

Install all necessary tools via npm: npm install.

There is a watcher built with gulp. Just enter gulp and it watches the src directory for changes and copies them to the docker instance.

Useful development commands

  • gulp Starts the watcher on the src directory
  • ant copy-www-to-docker Copies the www directory to the docker container
  • ant copy-www-to-local Copies the www directory from the docker container to your local machine
  • bin/mr2 Runs magerun 2 inside the docker container
  • docker exec -ti magento2_instance sh Get console of docker container