
This project has been archived and is no longer maintained

Primary LanguagePython

Profile Manager CLI

A command line interface for Profile Manager administration.


Currently Profile Manager 1 (Lion) and 2 (Mountain Lion) are supported. Profile Manager 3 (Mavericks) is not supported at this time, see issue #2.


You can specify the server, username, and password on the command line:

./pmcli.py -s pmserver.example.com -u diradmin -p apple

You can also force a prompt for a password with -P.

Or you can set defaults (but command line options will override):

defaults write se.gu.it.pmcli server pmserver.example.com
defaults write se.gu.it.pmcli username diradmin
defaults write se.gu.it.pmcli password apple

• add_placeholder

Add a placeholder device, and optionally add it to one or more groups.

./pmcli.py add_placeholder name (serial|imei|meid|udid)=value [group] [group] ...

• import_placeholders

Import a CSV file with devices:

./pmcli.py import_placeholders input.csv

The CSV should have the following columns, with a header in the first line:

  • name - name of the placeholder device
  • ids - one or more unique identifiers for the device, on the form type=value and separated by +. Available types are serial, imei, meid, and udid
  • groups - groups to add the placeholder device to, separated by +

The CSV file should be plain ascii or UTF-8 encoded.

• export_placeholders

Export a CSV file with devices:

./pmcli.py export_placeholders output.csv

The CSV file is UTF-8 encoded and formatted for importing with import_placeholders.

• dump_devices

Dump all devices in the server to a json file:

./pmcli.py dump_devices output.json