
Over time, this is intended to become the canonical source repository for all mu-plugins on the WordPress.org network. At the moment, it only includes a few.


  1. Add entries to the repositories and require-dev sections of composer.json. See wporg-news-2021 as an example.
  2. Run composer update to install it
  3. require_once the files that you want. e.g.,
    require_once WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wporg-mu-plugins/mu-plugins/blocks/global-header-footer/blocks.php';
  4. See individual plugin readmes for specific instructions


  • npm run start during development
  • npm run build before commit/sync/deploy


The files here are commited to dotorg.svn so they can be deployed. The aren't synced to meta.svn, since they're already open.

The other mu-plugins in meta.svn are not synced here. Over time, they can be removed from meta.svn and added here.

To sync these to dotorg.svn, run composer exec sync-svn (WIP) and follow the instructions. Once they're committed, you can deploy like normal.