# CART263-Project-01

    The idea for this project was to make a card game based of Greek mythology. There would've been 3 levels: easy(12 cards), medium(16), and hard(20 cards). For visual effect, I would've liked to add Sisyphus being seen pushing a rock up a hill whenever you matched a card correctly, and whenever you made a mistake he would be pushed down the hill. I had a lot of ideas for this game but I ran out of time. I'm still thinking of working on it on the side.

    I was going for a funny comic style. I was going to have the cards simple and Sisyphus colourful and comic style. Usually my art work is focused on more serious and realistic stuff, so it would've been fun to make something cartoony (just like I did for last semesters "Don't Text and Drive" game). I thought it would've given it an interesting look. I would've liked to add a score at the top with a reset button. The main menu would've had the animation of Sisyphus rolling the rock up the mountain. It would've been very colourful, there would've been rolling clouds in the background and the menu would've faded in giving the player the option of easy, medium, and hard. during the game, the background would've been the same as the main menu, rolling clouds and a mountains in the far distance. Sisyphus would be at the bottom of the game climbing his mountain and the cards would be in the center of the screen.

    I've never used jQuerry before so I did lose a lot of time because of my lack of knowledge of the language. It was still interesting to work with though. It's good to understand and have a basic knowledge of it, but honestly if I had to redo this assignment I would just use JS instead.