
Demo rosbag files for https://github.com/Magic-wei/DearBagPlayer

MIT LicenseMIT

DearBagPlayer Demo Data Repo

This repo stores demo rosbag files for people to explore DearBagPlayer.


This rosbag file is collected from car driving simulation (with exactly the same topic names in DearBagPlayer README GIF images). With this rosbag file, you can:

  • normally select arbitrarily number of topics and just drag them to a subfigure to plot all of them (without holding any key)
  • use "/vehicle_state/position/x" and "/vehicle_state/position/y" for XY plot (click them one by one, hold "Ctrl" key and drag them to a subfigure)
  • use "/observer/s_length" as x-axis for data vs. travel distance plot (click this topic first, then another topic, hold "Shift" key and drag them to a subfigure)
  • explore more features with other topics you like