
Files associated with my port of the arcade game Joust to the CoCo 3

Joust for the CoCo 3 - Requires 512k

This is a conversion of William's arcade classic video game Joust for the TRS Color Computer 3

If you are going to use it please read the following, to get he most out of the game:

  • Important * Once you're done playing Joust don't turn off your CoCo. To save your settings and scores while still in the game press BREAK and the game will exit back to BASIC but the scores and other data are still in RAM. To save it to disk for future use type: RUN"SAVE" [ENTER]

To start playing a game simply type: RUN"JOUST" [ENTER]

Controls for the game are the same as MAME: Insert a coin - 5 Start a one player game - 1 Start a two player game - 2 Default player controls are: Player 1 Flap - C Player 1 Right - S Player 1 Left - A Player 2 Flap - / Player 2 Right - L Player 2 Left - K Use the config program as described below to either select which keys are used for the players controls or to select Joystick mode.

To configure or reset all the settings of the game type: RUN"CONFIG" [ENTER]

Enjoy Joust on the CoCo 3, Glen Hewlett