Elixir SDK for using the magicthegathering.io APIs.
Note that API use is free and does not require authentication or registration, but some rate limits apply. Read the official API website for more information.
Add the dependency to your project and you're good to go!
This package can be installed by adding mtg_sdk_elixir
to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
[{:mtg_sdk_elixir, "~> 1.0.0"}]
Now you are ready to start calling MTG API.
iex> Mtg.list(Card)
count: 100,
data: [
rarity: "Rare",
set_name: "Tenth Edition",
name: "Abundance",
foreign_names: [
flavor: nil,
image_url: "http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=148402&type=card",
language: "German",
multiverseid: 148402,
name: "Überfluss",
text: "Falls du eine Karte ziehen würdest, kannst du stattdessen Land oder Nichtland bestimmen und Karten oben von deiner Bibliothek aufdecken, bis du eine Karte der bestimmten Art aufdeckst. Nimm diese Karte auf deine Hand und lege alle anderen auf diese Weise aufgedeckten Karten in beliebiger Reihenfolge unter deine Bibliothek."
rulings: [
date: "2004-10-04",
text: "This replacement effect replaces the draw, so nothing that triggers on a draw will trigger."
id: "1669af17-d287-5094-b005-4b143441442f",
legalities: [
%Mtg.Card.Legality{format: "Commander", legality: "Legal"},
watermark: nil
page_size: 100,
total_count: 45846,
type: "cards"
iex> Mtg.list(Card)
count: 6,
data: [
page_size: 100,
total_count: 6,
type: "cards"
iex> Mtg.list(Card, [{:name, :or, ["Abundance", "Tarmogoyf"]}])
count: 12,
data: [
page_size: 100,
total_count: 12,
type: "cards"
iex> Mtg.list(Card, [{:name, :and, ["Abu", "dance"]}])
count: 6,
data: [
page_size: 100,
total_count: 6,
type: "cards"
For more query filters, visit https://docs.magicthegathering.io/#api_v1cards_list.
iex> Mtg.show(Card, 1)
iex> Mtg.list(Set)
count: 448,
data: [
block: "Core Set",
booster: ["rare", "uncommon", "uncommon", "uncommon", "common", "common",
"common", "common", "common", "common", "common", "common", "common",
"common", "land", "marketing"],
border: nil,
code: "10E",
gatherer_code: nil,
magic_cards_info_code: nil,
mkm_id: nil,
mkm_name: nil,
name: "Tenth Edition",
old_code: nil,
online_only: false,
release_date: ~D[2007-07-13],
type: "core"
page_size: 500,
total_count: 448,
type: "sets"
iex> Mtg.list(Set)
count: 19,
data: [
page_size: 500,
total_count: 19,
type: "sets"
iex> Mtg.list(Set, [{:block, :or, ["com", "black"]}])
count: 40,
data: [
page_size: 500,
total_count: 40,
type: "sets"
For more query filters, visit https://docs.magicthegathering.io/#api_v1sets_list.
iex> Mtg.show(Set, "ktk")
iex> Mtg.generate_set_booster("ktk")
count: nil,
data: [
page_size: nil,
total_count: nil,
type: "cards"
iex> Mtg.list(Type)
["Artifact", "Card", "Conspiracy", "Creature", "Emblem", "Enchantment", "Hero",
"instant", "Instant", "Land", "Phenomenon", "Plane", "Planeswalker", "Scheme",
"Sorcery", "Summon", "Tribal", "Vanguard", "You’ll"]}
iex> Mtg.list(Subtype)
["Advisor", "Aetherborn", "Ajani", "Alara", "Ally", "Aminatou", "and/or",
"Angel", "Angrath", "Antelope", "Ape", "Arcane", "Archer", "Archon", "Arkhos",
"Arlinn", "Artificer", "Ashiok", "Assassin", "Assembly-Worker", "Atog",
"Aura", "Aurochs", "Autobot", "Avatar", "Azgol", "Azra", "Baddest,", "Badger",
"Barbarian", "Basilisk", "Bat", "Bear", "Beast", "Beaver", "Beeble",
"Belenon", "Berserker", "Biggest,", "Bird", "Boar", "Bolas", "Bolas’s",
"Brainiac", "Bringer", "Brushwagg", "Bureaucrat", "Camel", ...]}
iex> Mtg.list(Supertype)
["Basic", "Host", "Legendary", "Ongoing", "Snow", "World"]}
iex> Mtg.list(Format)
["Commander", "Duel", "Frontier", "Future", "Legacy", "Modern", "Oldschool",
"Pauper", "Penny", "Standard", "Vintage"]}