
data base server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Magical pixi db server

For api doc direct to here


npm install
git submodule init
git submodule update
update submodule
git submodule foreach git pull origin master


cd <module dir>
git pull origin master


for debug:

npm start

for test:

npm run test

for production (forever)

npm run production

create db model

Add data operation model

add model file at /lib/models/schame>/<name>.js and add code

var name = 'game'
var props = {
  name: String,
  desc: String,
  icon: String,
  auth: Boolean,
  scoreType: Number,
  js: String
var relations = [
    key: 'users',
    ref: 'user'

module.exports = {
  props, relations, name


  • Add one to many && many to many auto bind
  • Delete redundant code
  • Optional copy _id to id
  • Use custom model key
  • Add custom key for query
  • Change npm qiniu custom to use promise to upload muti files
  • Add optional mapping relate properties


the db server api doc


http://db.magicalpixi.com/ is for product

http://test.db.magicalpixi.com/ is for test


Get value for key:

path: '/redis/:key' or '/redis'
method: 'get'
params: req.params.key or req.query.key

Set value for key:

path: '/redis/:key' or '/redis'
method: 'post'
params: req.params.key or req.query.key
body: {value: <value>}


	if not want to display some fields, can use  'dismissFields' as a query key to send a request and the value is string of properties (split by ','), and if only want to display some fields, can use 'dispalyFields' as a query key to send a request and the value is string of properties (split by ',').
	Request	GET	/pixi/users?dismissFields=id,password,_id,__v
	response [
      {"username": "aaa",
	  {"username": "bbb",

Get model value with id

 * @schame current existed [pixi, api]. pixi is for magicalpixi and api is for common
 * @model the model name for example user, game, sprite
path: '/<schame>/<model>/:id'
method: 'get'
params: req.params.id

Get model value with query

 * @schame current existed [pixi, api]. pixi is for magicalpixi and api is for common
 * @model the model name for example user, game, sprite
 * @query must be the model property
path: '/<schame>/<model>'
method: 'get'
query: key=value

Get model all values

 * @schame current existed [pixi, api]. pixi is for magicalpixi and api is for common
 * @models for example users, games, sprites
 * @query must be the model property
path: '/<schame>/<models>'
method: 'get'
query: key=value

Update or save value

path: '/<schame>/<model>'
method: 'post'
body: the model object //if the object has id property, the server will make update operation

Update value with query

 * @schame current existed [pixi, api]. pixi is for magicalpixi and api is for common
 * @model the model name for example user, game, sprite
 * @query must be the model property
path: '/<schame>/<model>'
method: 'post'
query: key=value
body: the model object //if the object has id property, the server will make update operation

Upload single file with muti-part request, example

path: '/upload'
method: 'post'
query: name=<name>
body: muti-part data body with file stream

Upload file content

path: '/upload/content'
method: 'post'
query: name=<name>
body: {content: "<content>"}