
Magician-Scanning is a toolkit developed in Java for scanning blockchains, which can be used to monitor transactions according to the needs of developers, and it plans to support three chains, ETH (BSC, POLYGON, etc.), SOL and TRON

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Magician-Scanning is a toolkit for scanning blockchains developed in Java, which can come in handy when we need some functionality in our programs, for example.

  • When an address receives ETH, a method in the program is automatically triggered and this transaction is passed into the method.

  • When a function of a contract is called (like ERC20 transfer), it automatically triggers a method in the program and passes this transaction to this method. It can even be triggered only when tokens are transferred to a specified address.

  • This toolkit can also be used when a program needs to keep a record of all transactions since the beginning of a block height.

It is planned to support three chains, ETH (BSC, POLYGON, etc.), SOL and TRON

Running environment





Importing dependencies


<!-- This is the logging package, you must have it or the console will not see anything, any logging package that can bridge with slf4j is supported -->

Create a scan task

Create a MonitorEvent

import java.math.BigInteger;

 * Create an implementation class for EthMonitorEvent
public class EthMonitorEventImpl implements EthMonitorEvent {

     * set filters
     * Filter the transaction records according to these conditions and trigger the call method
     * @return
    public EthMonitorFilter ethMonitorFilter() {
        return EthMonitorFilter.builder()
                                        new TypeReference<Address>(){},
                                        new TypeReference<Uint256>(){}
                                .setValue("0x552115849813d334C58f2757037F68E2963C4c5e", null)

     * This method is triggered when a transaction matching the above filter criteria is encountered
     * @param transactionModel
    public void call(TransactionModel transactionModel) {

Start a monitoring task

// Initialize the thread pool, the number of core threads must be >= the number of chains you want to scan, it is recommended to equal the number of chains to be scanned

// Open a scan task, if you want to scan multiple chains, you can open multiple tasks, 
// by copying the following code and modifying the corresponding configuration you can open a new task
                EthRpcInit.create()// Set multiple addresses, polling policy will be used automatically to do load balancing
        .addEthMonitorEvent(new EventOne())
        .addEthMonitorEvent(new EventThree())
        .addEthMonitorEvent(new EventTwo())

ETH InputData Codec

// Encode the function as inputData
String inputData = EthAbiCodec.getInputData("mint",
    new Address("0xqwasdasd"),
    new Utf8String("https://asdasdasdsadasd.json")

// Get the function's signature
String funcCode = EthAbiCodec.getFunAbiCode("mint",
    new Address("0xqwasdasd"),
    new Utf8String("https://asdasdasdsadasd.json")

// Decode inputData into raw data
List<Type> result = EthAbiCodec.decoderInputData("0xasdasdas00000000adasd",
    new TypeReference<Address>(){},
    new TypeReference<Utf8String>(){}