
Attendance application for student orgs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This application will be used to keep track of attendance for Georgia Tech College of Computing student organizations and act as a landing page for them as well.


To run the app locally, you'll need node, npm (packaged with node >= 0.6), mongodb,

Setting up the development environment

First, fork the cc-wit/attendance repository on GitHub, then clone your fork. For example:

$ git clone git@github.com:thelastnode/attendance.git

Then, install all the dependencies and start mongodb:

$ cd attendance
$ npm install
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb start  # or the variant for your system

Start the app with:

$ node app.js

Submitting changes

To submit changes, make a new branch for your change, and then add commits, and then submit a pull request on GitHub.