This is a basic SEO Plugin for October CMS. Includes support for:
- Basic CMS pages
- RainLab.Pages (Static Pages)
- RainLab.Blog
- RainLab.Translate
- SEO Title
- SEO Description
- SEO Keywords
- Canonical URL
- Redirect URL
- Robots Index
- Robots Follow
- SEO Keywords
- Canonical URL
- Redirect URL
- Robots Index
- Robots Follow
- og:image from post featured image
Component gives access to title
, description
, keywords
, canonicalUrl
, redirectUrl
, robotsFollow
, ogImage
, ogImageWidth
and ogImageHeight
fields that are filled dynamically depending on type of site.
Insert the component into layout, and then render it in the <head>
section. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% component 'Seo %}
<!-- Other tags -->
{% page %}
You can choose from component options whether to include Open Graph tags, Twitter tags and JSON-LD;
You can also modify default component template or access fields directly.
Use events to customize any component or page property before rendering, take absolute control of your SEO and opengraph attributes:
Event::listen('seotweaker.beforeComponentRender', function ($component, $page) {
$component->ogImage = '';
$component->ogImageWidth = '1200';
$component->ogImageHeight = '630';
$component->title = "{$component->title} - Your global site suffix";