
Updated patch for Cinematic Tools for SWBF2

Primary LanguageC#

SWBFII Cinematic Tools Patch

Patcher: EpicFilePatcher


  1. Multi-select CT_SWBF2.dll & main.efptxt
  2. Drag onto EpicFilePatcher.exe (or use cmd line with both files in the arguments)
  3. Profit
  4. Run SWBF II Cinematic Tools.exe when the game is past the logo screen


  • SWBF II Cinematic Tools.exe is a decompiled and recompiled version of the one originally given out, which will inject CT_SWBF2.patched.dll instead of without the '.patched' part.
  • Updater.exe is also a decompiled version of the updater originally released but changed to work with this new system
  • Release versions will only ship with files:
    • CT_SWBF2.patched.dll
    • SWBF II Cinematic Tools.exe
    • Updater.exe
    • controls.tx