
Web 🌐 based Admin Interface for SQLite 🗂️ Database.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


🌐 SQLite UI

SQLite UI is a web user interface for SQLite database built with Golang. It is built in Golang using the Fiber package. Fiber is an Express inspired web framework You can read more about it here. Project is right now at it's very intial stage and under developement. Our plan is to make this a Good Open Source project, where people can easily start contributing, fix bugs and add more features 🙂.

🔧 Usage

Step 1:

Pull Docker Image.

docker pull ghcr.io/shivansh-yadav13/sqlite-ui:latest

Step 2:

Start Docker container using:

docker run -p { port }:{ port } -v { location of db file }:/app/sqlite_database -e SQLITE_NAME={ db file name } shivansh-yadav13/sqlite-ui:latest

Optional: You can also use the --name and -d for the name of the container and for running in detached mode.

💻 Set up Project Locally

1.) Fork the repository by click the Fork button at the top right of the page.

Screenshot from 2022-09-22 12-07-47

2.) Navigate to a directory, open the terminal and paste the following command and replace your-github-username with your GitHub username:

git clone https://github.com/your-github-username/SQLite-UI.git

3.) To start the project locally we need to create a sqlite file with name as data.db. Navigate to the root of the project and create a folder with the name sqlite_database and inside it create a file data.db.

4.) Now we are ready to start the server, run the following:

go run main.go

5.) Now you can visit localhost:3000 and you will be able to see: Screenshot from 2022-09-22 12-21-21

👥 Contributors
