
A django app that allows users to post there projects and get reviews from other different users and get to be rated

Primary LanguagePython


Built By Um Magnific


Adjango App that allows users to post their projects and get reviews and rating from other users . link

User Stories

These are the behaviours/features that the application implements for use by a user. Users would like to:

  • View posted projects and their details
  • Post a project to be rated/reviewed
  • Search for projects
  • View my profile page

Admin Abilities

  • Sign in to the the app
  • Delete posts
  • Update post details.
  • Create new images for showcasing

SetUp / Installation Requirements


  • python3.6
  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • Requirements.txt

Testing the Application

  • To run the tests for the class files:

      $ python3.6 manage.py test 

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Javascript
  • Django and postgresql


Copyright (c) 2019 Magnific