This application was built by Django version 1.11 a python framework.
The Watchtower is a neighborhood watch web application that allows you to be aware about everything happening in your neighborhood. From contact information.
As a user of the application i should be able to:
*Sign in with the application to start using. *Set up a profile about me and a general location and my neighborhood name. *Find a list of different businesses in my neighborhood. *Find Contact Information for the health department and Police authorities near my neighborhood. *Create Posts that will be visible to everyone in my neighborhood. *Change My neighborhood when I decide to move out. *Only view details of a single neighborhood .
Install python version 3.6.
Install Heroku that helps to deploy your application.
Atleast have a computer or a laptop
Have an internet connection
install Django.
$ pip install django==1.11
Create a virtual environment
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv
$ python3.6 -m venv virtual
$ source virtual/bin/activate
Install gunicorn: (virtual)
$ python3.6 -m pip install gunicorn
Behavior | Input | Outcome |
Display all hoods | N/A | Display all hoods that a user can join |
Display sign up for | N/A | Display sign up form when a user visits the site |
Create an account | Fill the sign up form and click submit | Create an account and profile for the user and log the user into the site |
Display a user's profile | Click username | Display the current user's profile page with their business & posts |
Add a business | Click Add Business | Direct the user to a page with a form where the user can create and submit a post |
See businesses | Click join neighborhood | Direct the user to a page where they see a list of businesses in a neighborhood |
add a post | Click add post | Redirect to the timeline page where they can add posts that are visible to hood members |
- Python version 3.6
- Django version 1.11
- Bootstrap 4
- Postgres Database
- Postgres
- Heroku
Copyright (c) 2019 Magnific