
This is simple well functioning REST Api project that has a GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH and EDIT requests built in NodeJS and Express with MongoDB as database.


You need the following to start working on the project on your local computer: A computer running on either Windows, MacOS or Ubuntu operating system installed with the following:

  • NodeJs
  • npm
  • MongoDB


  • Clone the project by $ git clone
  • Or download zip folder
  • Open the folder and run in the terminal.
  • To run run the project $ npm start (which will give some errors until you finish installations)
  • npm i express mongoose
  • npm i install--save-dev dotenv nodemon (devolopment dependencies)
  • run $ npm start
  • Replace the URL string parser in the app.js with the one provided in the terminal because the current one has expired.

Technologies Used

  • node version v8.10.0
  • mongodb version v4.2.2
  • npm version 3.5.2

Bugs or improvements

Every project needs improvements, Feel free to report any bugs or improvements. Pull requests are always welcome.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 UM MAGNIFIC