Based on PokeMobBot Project
You can download this bot DownloadHERE
This project will not provide source code for everyone anymore, due to it being stolen and being sold. OpenSource
We will continue to develop this project, absolutely the same as i did before.
However Source Code will not be published anymore.
We will still continue to release compiled updates (on release tab as it was before) of this software, so this will not effect most of our users.
If you'll need source codes, or part of them, contact me in Discord.
If you really like this project, feel free to buy pizza Donating
BitCoin: 1LTQdD6cnxhqSAYyNAa7PpcfSu6uCmxrdn
###We really appreciate all the donations made, so everyone who donated to our project will get access to privileged support channel! #####If you don't have PayPal account but still want to donate for my work, Please contact me in Discord :)##See it in action:
Extra features (from PokeMobBot) project)
- [Discovery pathing function -> bot continue to walk in radom direction from pokestop to pokestop, it pick closest pokestop each turn!]
- [Detailed info for every Poke you have]
- [CustomRoute feature! You can create custom routes right from UI]
- [Manual Transfer/Favorite/Evolve/LevelUp/Recycle from UI!]
- [Batch creation of accounts]
- [Bot schedule! Set desired working time for every day of the week!]
- [Force move option, just double click to the map and bot will start moving there!]
- [Proxy support]
- [All settings from UI]
- [You can set startup location from the map, just select the bot (don't hit Start), go to the map tab, and just double-click to desired position]
- [Full controll of your inventory/poke]
- [Smooth controll of movement speed on the run via MoveSpeedFactor slider]
- [Make map follow your player]
![Map/Console tab]( Screenshots
Get Device data from real android device:
- [Enable USB debugging at your phone settings]
- [Ensure what your PC have proper ADB drivers installed]
- [Click "Get Data from Your Android Phone" button at the Settings tab - you are awesome]
If you have any problems with getting device info, consider watching this post: AdbDrivers
Thanks to Feroxs' hard work on the API & Console we are able to manage something like this. Without him, this would not have been available. Credits
Design ideas: [@Morphir]( - Poke info design, Su**ro - initial design idea