
Flutter Doctor booking appointment app

Primary LanguageDart


Table of contents

System requirements

Dart SDK Version 2.18.0 or greater. Flutter SDK Version 3.3.0 or greater.

Application structure After a successful build, your application structure should look like this:

├── android                         - It contains files required to run the application on an Android platform.
├── assets                          - It contains all images and fonts of your application.
├── ios                             - It contains files required to run the application on an iOS platform.
├── lib                             - Most important folder in the application, used to write most of the Dart code..
    ├── main.dart                   - Starting point of the application
    ├── core
    │   ├── app_export.dart         - It contains commonly used file imports
    │   ├── constants               - It contains static constant class file
    │   └── utils                   - It contains common files and utilities of the application
    ├── presentation                - It contains widgets of the screens
    ├── routes                      - It contains all the routes of the application
    └── theme                       - It contains app theme and decoration classes
    └── widgets                     - It contains all custom widget classes

Project Description

Problem statement

Ineffective communication and coordination among healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers often result in care delays, misunderstandings, and a decline in healthcare quality, particularly impacting traveling study students. These obstacles shows the necessity for a robust healthcare application that improves communication, streamlines coordination, and empowers individuals to manage their health proactively.

Our solution

My Aid App is a mobile application that helps ALU students in different hubs, be it in Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia find healthcare easily, with an internal database system that organizes and facilitates easier access and communication. Our team, "Group 18", has been tasked with creating a Mobile application design and its integration.

The platform will be a comprehensive and user-friendly tool, allowing students to access healthcare resources, book appointments, receive health-related information, and connect with qualified medical professionals in a new country, focusing on promoting students' well-being and addressing their healthcare needs efficiently.

Solution design RationalLogin to page Explore Dashboard

Input current Location Choose service Book and reschedule Appointments Create a dashboard

Link to Prototype


Group 18 Members

Goodness Ihejiofor -g.ihejiofor@alustudent.com Bouy Joak - b.joak@alustudent.com Edouard Sharangabo -e.sharangab@alustudent.com