
A Catalog of all my Languages

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My Catalog of Languages

This is my big collection of Programming Languages, spanning from childhood up 'till now. Because of this, most of 'em are unfinished and I likely won't be working on them any time soon.

This repo contains a bunch of folders for each language - and there'll be a table down there to point you to them as I upload them. I've sorted the table by how early the language came in my life, starting at Renn and ending in whichever one comes last.

Table of Contents

Unplanned -> Partly Planned -> Mostly Planned ->
Unimplemented -> Partly Implemented -> Mostly Implemented ->

Priority, Shelved, Replaced, Dead

Name Info Status
Renn My first language Partly Planned | Dead
Helix A strange little language exploring functions Partly Planned | Shelved
Avoweliu A vowel-y esolang Unimplemented | Shelved
HeLiILiI An element-y esolang Mostly Planned | Shelved
PerPix A Carbogen/Gentle predecessor Partly Planned | Replaced
Carbogen A Lisp-y language Unimplemented | Priority
2D Thingy A 2D lang Partly Planned | Shelved
DMSL Dynamic Markup and Styling Language Unplanned
Meal.Edible Shorthand Elements.Meal syntax Unimplemented | Priority
Fish and Fission Chips Joke esolang Partly Planned | Shelved
GE Generative Elements Partly Planned | Shelved
Gentle Little drawing lang Partly Implemented | Priority
Long Extremely verbose esolang Partly Planned
Merpin Tiny bytecode-y lang Partly Planned | Dead
NoiPro Noise Programming lang Partly Planned | Replaced
Peculiar Interesting language Mostly Planned
Sandy Material CA lang Unimplemented | Replaced
Short Extremely concise, but readable language Partly Planned
Story Every program is a story Unplanned
Weber HTML alternative Mostly Planned | Shelved
AWON Alternate Weber Object Notation Unimplemented
Xatrian Crazy language Mostly Planned | Schrödinger's Language