Unirede API


Unirede API is a simple solution to register users !

The api was developed in rails 5 api mode.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

To help run in terminal:

make help


Before all, you need to have ruby installed in your computer. I recommend you to use a language manager. For more informations you can access RVM or Rbenv.


After install Rbenv or RVM, clone and run in terminal:

make setup

Running the locally

After install, run in terminal:

make run

After this, you can access the app in http://localhost:4000/.

Running the tests

Run in terminal:

make test

For automated tests in dev, run:

make auto-test

For test coverage with results (in Linux), run:

make test-cov

This app has 100% of tests coverage.



  • MVP => Prod configs to deploy in Heroku


  • Only have to fork the project and make a pull request.

Git Style

We use something like Karma for commit messages. Besides this, for new branchs use names in this format:


For example: to create a new branch that is responsible for create user permissions you must use feat/create-user-permissions.


We use SemVer for versioning.


Not yet defined.

Final Notes

Future improvements (TO DO):

  • Add serializer to user index route action;
  • Use Json Web Token;
  • Use Docker to easy DevOps;
  • Use sidekiq and redis to support multiple simultaneous access;

Last worked branch: master

Doubts? Problems? send an email to magnunavf@gmail.com