MySQL, Express, React/Redux and Node Boilerplate in ES6/ES7
Get Started
1. Prerequisites
2. Installation
On the command prompt run the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd express-react-boilerplate
$ cp .env.example .env (edit it with your secret key and database information)
$ npm install
$ npm run migrate
Finally, start and build the application:
$ npm run build (For development)
$ npm run build:prod (For production)
List of NPM Commands:
$ npm run lint # linting
$ npm run clean # remove dist and node_modules folder and install dependencies
3. Usage
URL : http://localhost:3000/
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/swagger for the API documentation.
4. Useful Link
- Web framework for Node.js - Express
- JavaScript ORM for Node.js - Bookshelf
- SQL Query Builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, and Oracle - Knex
- JSON Web Tokens(jwt) - jsonwebtoken
- Logging Library - Winston
- Object schema validation - Joi
- API documentation using swagger-jsdoc and swagger-ui
- JavaScript library for building user interfaces - React
- Predictable state container - Redux
- A React component library implementing Google's Material Design - Material-UI
- Redux Form - Redux Form
- Declarative routing for React - React-Router
- Promise based HTTP client - Axios
- Code linting tool - ESLint