
a simple Elasticsearch/Dancer/Bootstrap application for demonstration

Primary LanguagePerl


Elasticsearch Dancer App

This simple Elasticsearch Dancer application can be used as a starting point for your own search applications with Dancer/Bootstrap.

The application makes use of AnyEvent::HTTP for parallel HTTP requests, XSlate templates for fast templates, and Bootstrap for front-end framework.

For convenience, the official Elasticsearch client is also added as a dependency. By using a Dancer plugin, you can have access to the Elasticsearch client object.

Quickstart ---------

Download Elasticsearch and unzip the zip distribution.

Start Elasticsearch:


Change into the current directory of the Elasticsearch Dancer App.

First, load some demo documents into Elasticsearch for Elasticsearch Dancer app:

./bin/load-example-docs.sh 9200

Check if you have all the dependent perl modules installed and install them if necessary:

perl Makefile.PL

Note: before each start, the Xslate templates (suffix .xt) must be touched so they get recompiled. Otherwise the Dancer app might hang at template invocation. Example: touch views/*.xt

Start the app like a Dancer app:


Fire up your browser to view the Dancer app. The default port is 3000:


Now you can start to use your own documents, add features ... happy hacking!


Here are some screenshots with the example documents.




Thanks to Karl Jonathan Ward for the open source CrossRef search https://github.com/CrossRef/cr-search from which a stripped down bootstrap layout was taken for this project.

Copyright --------

Copyright (C) 2013 Jörg Prante <joergprante@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html