
A text editor for the ZX Spectrum Next

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A text editor for the ZX Spectrum Next, built in NextBASIC.


This is a simple text editor for editing configuration files and other short text files. Despite being built in BASIC it is quite fast, thanks to the Next 28 MHz mode and some of the unique commands and functions available in NextBASIC.


The editor has the following limitations on the size of the files it can open and save:

  • Max file size: 16 kB.
  • Max paragraph size: 256 characters.
  • Max number of paragraphs: 100.

Running the program

The program consists of two parts: The main program Editor.bas together with EditorProc.bas which is stored in a separate memory bank. It also needs the file Pointer.spr. Copy all files to the SD card and type LOAD "Editor.bas". Note that if you have loaded the program and then start it from a different folder than where it was installed, it won't find the EditorProc.bas and Pointer.spr files. To remedy this, edit the F$ variable on line 110 to your installation path (for example F$="/tools/editor/").

The editor commands are accessed by entering extended mode and pressing the relevant key as presented in command menu at the bottom of the screen.

If a mouse is connected, it can be used to position the cursor and to trigger commands.

Source code

The source code (Editor.bas.txt and EditorProc.bas.text) has been authored in Visual Studio Code with Remy Sharp's NextBASIC plugin and the ZX Spectrum Next emulator CSpect by Mike Dailly.