
demolishedcompressor pack's a .js file into a PNG image with an HTML payload. When opened in a browser, the HTML extracts and executes the javascript.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


demolishedCompressor pack's a .js/json/text file into a PNG image with an optional HTML payload.

The default behavior is when a packed file opened in a browser the HTML is extracted and the javascript executes. This option (default) is designed to pack/compress 4k, 8k and 64k demos build using Javascript into one "executable".

By using the external/custom unpacker you can pack 1-n resources and take advantage of demolishedcompressor and its functionality.


npm install demolishedcompressor


Compress/Pack ( Pngify )

Pngify(src: string, dest: string, preHTML?: string, customScript?: string): Promise<any>

TypeScript definition

static Mjolnir(src: string, dest: string, map: any): Promise<any>;
static Pngify(src: string, dest: string, preHTML?: string, customScript?: string): Promise<any>;



Default (built-in unpack)

Do not pass customScript

Custom unpacker

Your custom unpacker javascript must consist of a function named z() , this is called by default.

Here follows an example

z = function() {

c = String.fromCharCode;
q = document.querySelector.bind(document);
i = q("img");
x = q("#c").getContext("2d");
d = x.getImageData(0, 0, i.width, i.height).data;
b = [];
s = 1E6;
p = b.push.bind(b);    
l = function(a) {
    var w = (a / d.length) * 100;
    q("#p").style.width = w + "%";
    for (i = a; i < a + s && i < d.length; i += 4) p(c(d[i])), p(c(d[i + 1])), p(c(d[i + 2]));
    a < d.length ? setTimeout(function() {
        l(a + s)
    }, 100) : (s = b.join("").replace(/\\0/g, " "), (0, eval)(s),q("#p").style.display = "h")

see example/compress-custom.ts for a complete example

Create an instance of unpacker

 let instance = U.getInstance();

Unpack a file

instance.loadAndUpack("packedfile.png",  (result) => {
   // deal with the unpacked result
   // i.e JSON.parse, eval etc.  


How to compress a file that automatically unpacks and executes when opened

 import { Compressor } from 'demolishedcompressor';

const html = '<p>replace this with your html</p>'

// packs foo.js into output.png.html


Compile and run the script

How to compress a file that will use external/custom unpacker

import { Compressor } from 'demolishedcompressor';

// packs /tiny/rawsong.json into tiny.png

let html = ``;
