Multist implementation in Java


Shawn Liu @

  • Array
  • Binary Search Tree

Saneyar Tajjdeen Khazin @

  • Ordered Linked List
  • Dual Linked List

Multisets, also known as bags, are an important abstract data type. Sets aer unordered collection of elements with unique values. Multisets are a modification of Sets such that they allow duplicate values. Nodes are represented as a 2-tuple form (A, m), where A represents the value or item and m the number of instances of that item.

The multiset implementation has been done based on 4 data structures;

  1. Array (unordered)
  2. Ordered singly linked list
  3. Binary search tree (BST)
  4. Dual ordered linked list

Supported operation

  • Add an element
  • Search for an element and get the number of instances for that element
  • Search for an element with a particular number of instances
  • Contains an element
  • Remove one instance of an element
  • Union two multisets
  • Intersect two multisets
  • Compute the difference between two multisets
  • Print elements ordered by number of instances
  • Print out a subset from a specified range