
Testing effects of positive and unlabelled training variables

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PU Training, Positive and Unlabelled training tests

What is PU Training?

Elkan et al claims and proves the probability that a sample is positive is dependent on the probability that a sample is labelled times a constant factor. Labelled means known positive, while unlabelled means could be a positive or negative.

In practice, we start with an imbalanced dataset with few positive samples. Then we take a subset of the positive, e.g. 70 % and assign them as positive/labelled, and sample equally as many of the remaining positive and negative sambles, assigning them as negative/unlabelled. Then train our probabilistic classifier. We repeat this process n times to build an ensemble, so we can cover most of our dataset. We then use the ensemble to predict on our test set.

Nb: Since the constant factor P(s=1|y=1) does not affect our AUC calculation, it can be disregarded if the threshold to set is known. Otherwise it can be set as c/2, as per [2].

Notebook findings

Testing effects of positive and unlabelled training variables, inspired by [1] and [2]

Findings w/ PU training:

  • Performance is largely the same training on ca 5 % to 100 % of positive examples
  • PU training relies on relabelling unused positives as negatives.
  • If training an ensemble, performance for different positive to negative ratio is best at 1:1 to 1:2
  • If training an ensemble, training on all negatives leads to unstable performance when using n % of positives
  • Training an ensemble stabilizes performance towards a mean
