- Ruby 2.4.1
- PostgreSQL 9.4.4
- yarn
- node > 7.10.1
To run the app locally, Ruby 2.4.1 should be installed, and a PostgreSQL 9.4.4 server should be running. Then you should be able to install the dependencies by running
bundle install
yarn --frozen-lockfile
Create and initilize the database with:
rake db:setup
rake db:seed
bundle exec guard start --no-interactions
This will:
- start local Rails server on port 3000
- start the Webpacker dev server
- monitor files changes and run rubocop inspections on changes
- run bundle install when needed
Use a@b.de/foobar to log in.
This app is tested using RSpec and Enzyme. To run all tests (residing in the spec/ folder), run
bundle exec rspec
JS tests are using Mocha and Enzyme. To run JS tests, run
yarn test