
We create an angular web application that simulates a real-time movement of a smart wheel chair .

The application is divided into 3 modules :

  • Control Panel :

Its a panel where the chair operating and movement systems are controlled ,

  • Speed and breaking subsystem : -pre-define the constant speed of the chair -controle the speed on going uphill and downhill as the application simulates the action of gyrometer sensor that measure the angular velocity and help in controlling speed where ,

    a) righ angle, represents the normal state of the straigh movment . b) acute angle , represents going uphill .
    c) obtuse angle , represents going downhill . Screenshot (147)

  • Navigation and location monitoring subsystem :

A simulation for the action of ulrasonic sensor as on sensing an obstacle , it will give the motor an order to stope till it gets another order for moving in a certain direction .

  • Power and energy consumption :

    That system responsible for monitoring the battary and upon reaching a certain level it will notify the user of the chair to charge the battary ( once battary is less than 20 % )

Firebase module

All the updates that happens in the controle panel is stored in the firebase automatically and updated in the dashboard to show the current state of the chair

Dashboard module

Its a separete page that shows the current state of the chair and updates it in a real time manner according to the changes happens to chair's environment or state


  • Control panel

Here on adding a new chair and defining its state , a new document will be created in the firestore and the data will be updated in the dashboard application in areal-time manner .

  • Through the control panel we can determine the state of the smart chair , Define if there exists an obstacle or not ,"Sense free space" field is only opened if there is a sensed oobstacle to select the next destination ,battery charge is set and notify the user if the value is below 20%
    determining the angle specifies going uphill ,downhill or in straighh direction Id of the chair helps to distinguish between different chairs on the dashboard

    Control panel allows you to add a chair or update an existing chair.

    Screenshot (177)


Each created chair creates a document in the firebase

Screenshot (178)


Before sensing an obstacle

Screenshot (169)

After sensing an obstacle

Screenshot (173)
