
Event Vista is an advanced event management system, leveraging the power of Swing GUI and JFrame in Java. Seamlessly plan, organize, and execute events with an intuitive and visually appealing interface.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Event-Management-System -Java Application


Event Vista is a comprehensive event management system designed to streamline the planning, organization, and execution of events. This README.md file provides essential information on the required tools, setup instructions, and a brief overview of screens and the user interface.

Required Tools

To run and contribute to the Event Vista project, you'll need the following tools:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Event Vista is built using Java, so make sure you have JDK installed. You can download it here.

  • Eclipse IDE: Eclipse is the integrated development environment used for this project. You can download it here.

  • Git: Git is a version control system used for managing the source code. You can download it here.

  • MySQL Database: Event Vista uses MySQL for the backend. You can download it here.

Setup Instructions

Install Java Development Kit (JDK):

  • Download and install the latest version of JDK .

Install Eclipse IDE:

  • Download and install Eclipse IDE from.

Set Up Eclipse:

  • Open Eclipse.
  • Create a new Java project for Event Vista.
  • Create a new package for each screen (e.g., home,login, Create Event, TicketPurchasing, etc.).
  • Add new files for each screen within the respective packages.

Connect to MySQL Database:

  • Download the JDBC Connector for MySQL from here.
  • Add the JDBC Connector JAR file to your Eclipse project's build path.

Link Eclipse to MySQL:

  • Open Eclipse.
  • In the "Data Source Explorer" view, right-click and select "New" -> "Database Connection."
  • Choose MySQL and provide the necessary connection details (username, password, database URL).

Create Tables in MySQL:

  • In the files uploaded , there is eventvistaSDA.sql a file named eventvista.sql.
  • Execute the SQL script to create the necessary tables in the MySQL database.

Run the Application:

  • Locate the YourFrame.java file in Eclipse.
  • Right-click on the file and choose Run As -> Java Application.

Access Event Vista:

  • Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/EventVista.

Project Structure

  • /Code_Files: Contains the Java source code files for the Event Vista application.
  • /SQL file: SQL file related to database schema creation.






This project is licensed under the MIT License.