Hermit crabs change shells as they grow, always adapting to new infrastructure needs!
Hermit Crab is a project designed to configure, deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on bare-metal infrastructure using Ansible and Terraform.
First Init project
Second edit the inventory.yml
file to match your cluster setup. For example:
host_hostname: server
host_hostname: agent1
host_hostname: agent2
host_hostname: storage
If needed, you can also edit vars
section at the bottom to match your environment.
Start provisioning of the cluster using the following command:
ansible-playbook playbooks/check_connection.yml -i inventory.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml -i inventory.yml
cp ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config-copy && cp ~/.kube/config.new ~/.kube/config
kubectl config use-context k3s-ansible
cd ..
Config minio and get secret keys
- Minio UI > Configuration > Region > set "us-east-1"
- Minio UI > Buckets > Create Bucket (Bucket name: 'longhorn')
- Minio UI > Buckets > choose longhorn bucket > change
Access Policy
- Minio UI > Access Keys > Create access key (Write down the Access key and Secret Key)
- Complete the longhorn-minio env at the terraform.tfvars
longhorn_minio_aws_access_key_id = "echo -n access-key-from-previous-step | base64"
longhorn_minio_aws_secret_access_key = "echo -n secret-key-from-previous-step | base64"
Now it's time to edit the terraform/terraform.tfvars
file to match your kubernetes setup. For example:
node_labels = {
"server" = {
"example.com/custom-label1" = "custom-value1"
"example.com/custom-label2" = "custom-value2"
"agent1" = {
"example.com/another-label" = "another-value"
"agent2" = {
"example.com/another-label" = "another-value"
traefik_hostname = "traefik.example.com"
argocd_hostname = "argocd.example.com"
longhorn_hostname = "longhorn.example.com"
redisinsight_hostname = "redisinsight.example.com"
postgresql_hostname = "postgresql.example.com"
traefik_users_secret = "run =>htpasswd -nb user password | openssl base64<= and put it here"
longhorn_users_secret = "run =>htpasswd -nb user password | openssl base64<= and put it here"
redisinsight_users_secret = "run =>htpasswd -nb user password | openssl base64<= and put it here"
longhorn_minio_aws_access_key_id = "obtain-from-minio-and-convert-it-to-base64"
longhorn_minio_aws_secret_access_key = "obtain-from-minio-and-convert-it-to-base64"
longhorn_minio_aws_endpoint = "aHR0cHM6Ly9taW5pby1zZXJ2ZXIuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20=" # https://minio-server.example.com
rabbitmq_admin_password = "changethispassword1"
rabbitmq_storageclass_name = "longhorn"
rabbitmq_storage_size = "2Gi"
redis_storageclass_name = "longhorn"
redis_storage_size = "2Gi"
postgresql_storageclass_name = "longhorn"
postgresql_storage_size = "2Gi"
postgresql_admin_password = "changethispassword2"
postgresql_username = "user"
postgresql_password = "changethispassword3"
gitlab_certmanager_issuer_email = "your-email@example.com"
Run the terraform:
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
- Longhorn UI > Setting > General
- Search for
Backup Target
section and write its3://longhorn@us-east-1/
- Search for
Backup Target Credential Secret
section and write itlonghorn-minio-secret
- Save it
Argocd authentication:
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
Redis authentication:
kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d
Redis connection:
- host: redis-master
- port: 6379
- username: leave it empty (default)
Example: Restoring PostgreSQL Data
1- Scale down the PostgreSql StatefulSet:
kubectl scale statefulset.apps/postgresql --replicas=0 -n postgresql
2- Wait for the volume to be detached
- Monitor the volume status until it is detached.
3- Note the Current Volume Name:
- For example
4- Delete the old Volume via Longhorn GUI.
- Navigate to the longhorn GUI and delete the specified volume.
5- Restore the Backup to a New Volume.
- Use the Longhorn GUI to restore the backup to a new volume with the same name noted in step 3 (
6- Wait for the Rrestore process to complete.
7- Create PV/PVC:
- Navigate to the lonhorn GUI > Volume > at the right side of volume named
open operation button > selectCreate PV/PVC
- Ensure the
Create PVC
option is checked - Ensure the
Use Previous PVC
option is checked
8 - Wait until the PV/PVC to be Available.
9- Scale Up the PostgreSQL StatefulSet:
kubectl scale statefulset.apps/postgresql --replicas=1 -n postgresql
Linux AMD64 DEB:
wget https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mcli_20240722200249.0.0_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mcli_20240722200249.0.0_amd64.deb
mcli alias set k3s-ansible/ https://minio-test-server.example.com minio_username minio_password
mcli ls k3s-ansible/longhorn
mcli mirror k3s-ansible/longhorn path-to-your-local-backup-folder/longhorn --overwrite --retry --watch
mcli mirror path-to-your-local-backup-folder/longhorn k3s-ansible/longhorn --overwrite
Thank you to all those who have contributed and thanks to these repos for code and ideas:
- Write Ansible palybooks
- Write Terraform manifests
- Longhorn Backup
- Redis Backup
Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.