
Hermit Crab is a project designed to configure, deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on bare-metal infrastructure using Ansible and Terraform.

Primary LanguageYAMLMIT LicenseMIT

Hermit Crab

Hermit Crab

Did you know?

Hermit crabs change shells as they grow, always adapting to new infrastructure needs!


Hermit Crab is a project designed to configure, deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on bare-metal infrastructure using Ansible and Terraform.

Getting Started (Setup)


First Init project


Second edit the inventory.yml file to match your cluster setup. For example:

          host_hostname: server
          host_hostname: agent1
          host_hostname: agent2

          host_hostname: storage

If needed, you can also edit vars section at the bottom to match your environment.


Start provisioning of the cluster using the following command:

ansible-playbook playbooks/check_connection.yml -i inventory.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml -i inventory.yml
cp ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config-copy && cp ~/.kube/config.new ~/.kube/config
kubectl config use-context k3s-ansible
cd ..

Config Minio

Config minio and get secret keys

  • Minio UI > Configuration > Region > set "us-east-1"
  • Minio UI > Buckets > Create Bucket (Bucket name: 'longhorn')
  • Minio UI > Buckets > choose longhorn bucket > change Access Policy to Public
  • Minio UI > Access Keys > Create access key (Write down the Access key and Secret Key)
  • Complete the longhorn-minio env at the terraform.tfvars
longhorn_minio_aws_access_key_id     = "echo -n access-key-from-previous-step | base64"
longhorn_minio_aws_secret_access_key = "echo -n secret-key-from-previous-step | base64"


Now it's time to edit the terraform/terraform.tfvars file to match your kubernetes setup. For example:

node_labels = {
  "server" = {
    "example.com/custom-label1" = "custom-value1"
    "example.com/custom-label2" = "custom-value2"
  "agent1" = {
    "example.com/another-label" = "another-value"
  "agent2" = {
    "example.com/another-label" = "another-value"
traefik_hostname                      = "traefik.example.com"
argocd_hostname                       = "argocd.example.com"
longhorn_hostname                     = "longhorn.example.com"
redisinsight_hostname                 = "redisinsight.example.com"
postgresql_hostname                   = "postgresql.example.com"
traefik_users_secret                  = "run =>htpasswd -nb user password | openssl base64<= and put it here"
longhorn_users_secret                 = "run =>htpasswd -nb user password | openssl base64<= and put it here"
redisinsight_users_secret             = "run =>htpasswd -nb user password | openssl base64<= and put it here"
longhorn_minio_aws_access_key_id      = "obtain-from-minio-and-convert-it-to-base64"
longhorn_minio_aws_secret_access_key  = "obtain-from-minio-and-convert-it-to-base64"
longhorn_minio_aws_endpoint           = "aHR0cHM6Ly9taW5pby1zZXJ2ZXIuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20=" # https://minio-server.example.com
rabbitmq_admin_password               = "changethispassword1"
rabbitmq_storageclass_name            = "longhorn"
rabbitmq_storage_size                 = "2Gi"
redis_storageclass_name               = "longhorn"
redis_storage_size                    = "2Gi"
postgresql_storageclass_name          = "longhorn"
postgresql_storage_size               = "2Gi"
postgresql_admin_password             = "changethispassword2"
postgresql_username                   = "user"
postgresql_password                   = "changethispassword3"
gitlab_certmanager_issuer_email       = "your-email@example.com"

Run the terraform:

cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply

Longhorn config

  • Longhorn UI > Setting > General
  • Search for Backup Target section and write it s3://longhorn@us-east-1/
  • Search for Backup Target Credential Secret section and write it longhorn-minio-secret
  • Save it


Argocd authentication:

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Redis authentication:

kubectl get secret --namespace redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 -d

Redis connection:

  • host: redis-master
  • port: 6379
  • username: leave it empty (default)

Restore Backup (Longhorn volumes)

Example: Restoring PostgreSQL Data

1- Scale down the PostgreSql StatefulSet:

kubectl scale statefulset.apps/postgresql --replicas=0 -n postgresql

2- Wait for the volume to be detached

  • Monitor the volume status until it is detached.

3- Note the Current Volume Name:

  • For example pvc-1be4dafb-399f-40d4-ac87-205eb56c2f44.

4- Delete the old Volume via Longhorn GUI.

  • Navigate to the longhorn GUI and delete the specified volume.

5- Restore the Backup to a New Volume.

  • Use the Longhorn GUI to restore the backup to a new volume with the same name noted in step 3 (pvc-1be4dafb-399f-40d4-ac87-205eb56c2f44).

6- Wait for the Rrestore process to complete.

7- Create PV/PVC:

  • Navigate to the lonhorn GUI > Volume > at the right side of volume named pvc-1be4dafb-399f-40d4-ac87-205eb56c2f44 open operation button > select Create PV/PVC
  • Ensure the Create PVC option is checked
  • Ensure the Use Previous PVC option is checked

8 - Wait until the PV/PVC to be Available.

9- Scale Up the PostgreSQL StatefulSet:

kubectl scale statefulset.apps/postgresql --replicas=1 -n postgresql

Minio Backup Restore (Minio <----> Local)

Install minio client

install link

Linux AMD64 DEB:

wget https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mcli_20240722200249.0.0_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i mcli_20240722200249.0.0_amd64.deb

Add minio server to minio alias:

mcli alias set k3s-ansible/ https://minio-test-server.example.com minio_username minio_password


List all contents of longhorn

mcli ls k3s-ansible/longhorn

Backup to local

mcli mirror k3s-ansible/longhorn path-to-your-local-backup-folder/longhorn --overwrite --retry --watch

Restore from local

mcli mirror path-to-your-local-backup-folder/longhorn k3s-ansible/longhorn --overwrite

Thanks 🤝

Thank you to all those who have contributed and thanks to these repos for code and ideas:


  • Write Ansible palybooks
  • Write Terraform manifests
  • Longhorn Backup
  • Redis Backup


Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.