Employee Managment System



  • React.js
  • Typescript
  • Material UI


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Socket.io


  • Login
  • Role base authentication
  • Change password
  • Forget password
  • View Personal Information Details
  • Edit some insensitive personal information
  • View All Project Information
  • Claim leave request
  • Show the all leave request details
  • Download payslip
  • Real time notification
    • If Admin change any employee's profile, then he/she get notification.
    • That employee must be logged in.
  • Can see all notice
    • Can see all general notice
    • can see his/her personal notice
    • Can't see any other employee's personal notice

Only Admin Features

  • View All employee's personal information details
  • Add, Edit, Acive, Deactive and Delete employee's profile
    • Deactive users can't login in this system with correct credientials
  • View all project details
  • Add, Edit, Acive, Inactive and Delete project details
  • Admin can resolve leave request.
    • Admin can't resolve his/her own leave request.
  • Create notice for employee
    • Admin can send notice for all employee
    • Admin can send notice for specific employee using his/her email.


  • We have to create first admin from Database. We can use post man or direct mongo alts for this.
  • To receive forget password email, employee's email address should be real. ( I add my email address for demonstration. Change the email address)

How to run:

  • Clone this repo
  • Go to the root folder and run npm install.
  • Go to the frontend folder and run npm install
  • Create a .env file and input your cridentials
  • .env file example:
  • Go to the mongo alts and connected your project to the database
  • Run the backend and frontend
  • Backend command for run the project
npm run dev
  • Frontend command for run the frontend
npm run start
  • Typescript run command
npm run watch

Improvement Scope: I build this project from scratch and according to my raw idea. So, there are lots of improvement scope.
  • I used typescript and used dynamic type any in many places.
  • Real time notification can be more updated and optimized. Specialy we can save all notifications in the database.
  • I explore material UI here. Material UI can be managed in more professional way.
  • Handle errors in more effecient way.
  • This app can be more optimized.
  • Sorting the the data table.




Key Learning:

  • Typescript project setup
  • Project feature design
  • Material UI
  • Forget password Workflow
  • Role base features
  • File uploads techniques
  • Middlewires
  • Schema desgin and more