
As Jikan V3 has been officially discontinued, I decided to make a temporary wrapper for the Jikan V4 Api, in the form of a python script. If there are some functions that you need or improve, do open an issue or submit your own edits!

Primary LanguagePython


As Jikan API V3 has been officially discontinued, I decided to make a temporary python wrapper for the Jikan V4 Api, in the form of a python script. If there are some functions that you need or improve, do open an issue or submit your own edits!


from jikan4pyAPI import JikanAPI
jikan = JikanAPI()

# Searching for anime titles (default limit = 5)
jikan.searchAnimeTitles("Spy x Family", limit=5) # returns ['Spy x Family', 'Spy x Family Part 2', 'Spy X Family 2 Promo', 'X', 'Family']

# Getting Anime ID by Name
jikan.getAnimeIDByName("Spy x Family") # returns 50265

# Getting Anime Information By ID
jikan.getAnimeByID(50265) # returns a huge dictionary with these information about the anime in the node "data": ['mal_id', 'url', 'images', 'trailer', 'approved', 'titles', 'title', 'title_english', 'title_japanese', 'title_synonyms', 'type', 'source', 'episodes', 'status', 'airing', 'aired', 'duration', 'rating', 'score', 'scored_by', 'rank', 'popularity', 'members', 'favorites', 'synopsis', 'background', 'season', 'year', 'broadcast', 'producers', 'licensors', 'studios', 'genres', 'explicit_genres', 'themes', 'demographics']