
Rust Programming: The Complete Developer's Guide

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Activities (zero to mastery)

Activity 1 - Functions

  • Displays your first and last name

Activity 2 - Basic arithmetic

  • Displays the result of the sum of two numbers

Activity 3 - Flow control using if..else

  • a. Display a message based on the value of a boolean variable
  • b. Display ">5", "<5", or "=5" based on the value of a variable

Activity 4 - Decision making with match

  • a. Display "it's true" or "it's false" based on the value of a variable
  • b. Display "one", "two", "three", or "other" based on whether the value of a variable is 1, 2, 3, or some other number, respectively

Activity 5 - Basic arithmetic

  • Display "1" through "4" in the terminal

Activity 6 - Looping using the while statement

  • Counts down from 5 to 1, displays the countdown in the terminal, then prints "done!" when complete.

Activity 7 - Working with an enum

  • Prints the name of a color to the terminal

Activity 8 - Organizing similar data using structs

  • Print the flavor of a drink and it's fluid ounces

Activity 9 - Data management using tuples

  • Print whether the y-value of a cartesian coordinate is greater than 5, less than 5, or equal to 5

Activity 10 - Working with expressions

  • Print "its big" if a variable is > 100
  • Print "its small" if a variable is <= 100

Activity 11 - Ownership

  • Print out the quantity and id number of a grocery item

Activity 12 - Implementing functionality with the impl keyword

  • Print the characteristics of a shipping box Must include dimensions, weight, and color

Activity 13 - Vectors

  • Print 10, 20, "thirty", and 40 in a loop Print the total number of elements in a vector

Activity 14 - Strings

  • Print out the name and favorite colors of people aged 10 and under

Activity 15 - Advanced match

  • Print out a list of tickets and their information for an event
  • Tickets can be Backstage, Vip, and Standard
  • Backstage and Vip tickets include the ticket holder's name
  • All tickets include the price

Activity 16 - Option

  • Print out the details of a student's locker assignment
  • Lockers use numbers and are optional for students

Activity 17 - Browsing standard library documentation

  • Print a string in lowercase and uppercase

Activity 18 - Result & the question mark operator

  • a.
    • Determine if a customer is able to make a restricted purchase
    • Restricted purchases require that the age of the customer is at least 21
  • b.
    • Determine if an employee can access a building using a digital keycard
    • Employees that can access the building are:
      • Maintenance crews
      • Marketing department employees
      • Managers
    • Other employees that work at the company are:
      • Line supervisors
      • Kitchen staff
      • Assembly technicians
    • Ensure that terminated employees cannot access the building regardless of their position

Activity 19 - HashMap

  • Print the name and number of items in stock for a furniture store
  • If the number of items is 0, print "out of stock" instead of 0
  • The store has:
    • 5 Chairs
    • 3 Beds
    • 2 Tables
    • 0 Couches
  • Print the total number of items in stock

Activity 20 - User input

  • Verify user input against pre-defined keywords
  • The keywords represent possible power options for a computer:
    • Off
    • Sleep
    • Reboot
    • Shutdown
    • Hibernate
  • If the user enters one of the keywords, a message should be printed to the console indicating which action will be taken
    • Example: If the user types in "shutdown" a message should display such as "shutting down"
  • If the keyword entered does not exist, an appropriate error message should be displayed

Activity 21 - Map combinator

  • Given a user name, create and print out a User struct if the user exists

Activity 22 - Testing

  • Write tests for the existing program to ensure proper functionality

Activity 23 - Option combinators

  • Use combinators as described in the functions: part_1, part_2, and part_3

Activity 24 - Iterator

  • Triple the value of each item in a vector.
  • Filter the data to only include values > 10.
  • Print out each element using a for loop.

Activity 25 - Traits

  • Calculate the perimeter of a square and triangle
    • The perimeter of a square is the length of any side*4.
    • The perimeter of a triangle is a+b+c where each variable represents the length of a side.
  • Print out the perimeter of the shapes

Activity 26 - Modules

  • a. External crates
    • Display the current date and time
  • b. Inline Modules
    • The existing program is complete, but all the code exists in a single module. This code can benefit from being organized into multiple modules.
  • c. External Modules
    • The existing program is complete, but all the code exists in a single module. This code can benefit from being organized into multiple external modules.

Activity 29 - Generics & Functions

  • Create a function that accepts the Priority trait as a generic parameter
    • The function should print out the guest and their priority
  • Use the function with at least two different guests

Project 1 - Interactive bill manager

  • Create a command line bills/expenses manager that runs interactively. This mini project brings together many of the concepts learn thus far into a single application.
  • The user stories/requirements are split into stages. Fully implement each stage as a complete working program before making changes for the next stage. Leverage the compiler by using cargo check --bin p1 when changing between stages to help identify adjustments that need to be made.