
Configure and run sing-box with ease

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Configure and run sing-box with ease.
Based on sing-box's official documentation.

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Configuration examples

for more configuration examples, including Route Rules or Dns configuration, please refer to sing-box's official documentation.

Mixed inbound with Trojan outbound and grpc transport with tls:

var config = new SingBoxConfig
    Inbounds = new()
        new MixedInbound
            Listen = "",
            ListenPort = 2080
    Outbounds = new()
        new TrojanOutbound
            Server = "yourserver.server",
            Port = 443,
            Password = "my top secret password!",
            Transport = new GrpcTransport
                ServiceName = "grpcSeviceNameGoesHere",
            Tls = new()
                Enabled = true,
                ServerName = "sniGoesHere",
                Alpn = new() { "listOfAplnsGoHere" }

Tun inbound:

  • Please note that tun inbound requires your app to have administrator privileges.
  • Always set Route.AutoDetectInterface to true when using tun inbound.
var config = new SingBoxConfig

    ... Outbounds, etc....

    Inbounds = new()
        new TunInbound
            InterfaceName = "myTunInterface",
            INet4Address = "",
            Stack = TunStacks.System,
            Mtu = 1500,
            AutoRoute = true,
    Route = new()
        AutoDetectInterface = true


  • In order to use this library for running sing-box you first need to obtain it's executable from its original repository.
  • You need to have the path to this executable and pass it to SingBoxWrapper's constructor.
var wrapper = new SingBoxWrapper("sing-box.exe");

if you need sing-box's logs, you need to subscribe to the Onlog event:

wrapper.OnLog += (sender, log) =>

you can pass a CancellationToken to the SingBoxWrapper.StartAsync method, if you cancel it, the sing-box proccess will end. this parameter is optional.

// config is a SingBoxConfig instance.
var cts = new CancelationTokenSource();
await wrapper.StartAsync(config,cts.Token);

Parse profiles

At this moment the following formats are supported (the sing-box itself can support more protocols): VMess VLess Shadowsocks Trojan Socks Http Hysteria2 Tuic

var myProfileUrl = "trojan://myLovelyPassword@myserver.server:443?security=tls&sni=mySni&type=grpc&serviceName=myGrpcPath#MyTrojanServer";
var myProfile = ProfileParser.ParseProfileUrl(myProfileUrl);

// convert to outbound and use directly in sing-box config:
var myOutbound = myProfile.ToOutboundConfig();

Additionally you can convert parsed profiles back to string url:

var myProfileUrl = myProfile.ToProfileUrl();

Url testing

You can use UrlTester and ParallelUrlTester classes to easily test if the proxies are healthy and valid

var myProfileUrl = "trojan://myLovelyPassword@myserver.server:443?security=tls&sni=mySni&type=grpc&serviceName=myGrpcPath#MyTrojanServer";
var myProfile = ProfileParser.ParseProfileUrl(myProfileUrl);

var urlTester = new UrlTester(
    new SingBoxWrapper("sing-box-path"),
    // local port
    // timeout in miliseconds
    // retry count (will still do the retries even if proxy works, returns fastest result)
    // url to test using the proxy, defauts to http://cp.cloudflare.com, optional

var testResult = await urlTester.TestAsync(myProfile);
Console.WriteLine($"Success: {testResult.Success}, Delay: {testResult.Delay}");


var parallelTester = new ParallelUrlTester(
        new SingBoxWrapper("sing-box-path"),
    // A list of open local ports, must be equal or bigger than total test thread count
    // make sure they are not occupied by other applications running on your system
    new int[] { 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2085 },
    // max number of concurrent testing
    // timeout in miliseconds
    // retry count (will still do the retries even if proxy works, returns fastest result)
    // url to test using the proxy, defauts to http://cp.cloudflare.com, optional

List<ProfileItem> profilesToTest = GetMyProfilesFormSomewhere();
var results = new ConcurrentBag<UrlTestResult>();

await parallelTester.ParallelTestAsync(profilesToTest, new Progress<UrlTestResult>((result =>
})), default(CancellationToken));

Clash Api

  • ClashApi can be used for accessing Traffic info, Logs, sing-box's internal url tester, selector outbound and more.
  • in order to be able to use this api, you first need to populate the Experimental.ClashApi property in your SingBoxConfig.
var config = new SingBoxConfig
    ... other config parameters....

    Experimental = new()
        ClashApi = new()
            ExternalController = "", 

After running the sing-box's proccess with the above changes to your config, you shoud create an instance of ClashApiWrapper:

using SingBoxLib.Runtime.Api.Clash;

var clashApi = new ClashApiWrapper("");

Getting logs using ClashApi:

  • the GetLogs method returns an IAsyncEnumerable<LogInfo>
  • the LogInfo class contains two properties: Level which indicates log level and Payload which is a line of logs.
  • you can pass a CancelationToken for when you want to stop getting more logs. this parameter is optional.
await foreach(var logInfo in clashApi.GetLogs(cts.Token))
    Console.WriteLine($"{logInfo.Level}>> {logInfo.Payload}");

Getting Traffic info using ClashApi:

  • the GetTraffic method returns an IAsyncEnumerable<TrafficInfo>
  • the TrafficInfo class contains two properties: Up and Down, which indicate the traffic used the the past second in Bytes.
  • you can pass a CancelationToken for when you want to stop getting more traffic info. this parameter is optional.
await foreach(var trafficInfo in clashApi.GetTraffic(cts.Token))
    Console.WriteLine($"Up: {trafficInfo.Up}, Down: {trafficInfo.Down}");

UrlTest a proxy using ClashApi:

  • name parameter is the same as Tag in Outbound configuration.
var delayInfo = await clashApi.GetProxyDelay(name: "out-1", timeout: 1000, url: "http://cp.cloudflare.com");