
How to create your own model for vosk

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Build model for Vosk

This guide tries to explain how to create your own compatible model with Vosk, with the use of Kaldi. I state that I am not an expert on the Kaldi project and on the technology behind speech recognition and deep learning in general but, given the difficulty I had in creating my model, I still wanted to share a little guide about this. I also apologize if the English level of this guide will be bad.

Read this in other languages: Italian


Before starting, I want to give you some tips on some points that can be crucial and if ignored can waste your precious time.

Obviously I suggest you to use a GPU for training, even a cheap one (for example I used a Nvidia P620 for my training), otherwise you could have trainings that last for days or weeks. To make a good model, also, using many speakers and many phrases will always make the voice recognition quality better. If you are on your own and you need to download some datasets to add to yours, you can try from this site. I used this to get a dataset where to start for the italian language and with various small scrips in python I was able to adapt it for Kaldi, but if you find some other site that provides you an easier dataset to prepare, you can certainly use it.

If you encounter any errors during the course of this guide, remember to consult the TROUBLESHOOTING section at the end of the guide because it may help you.


If you are going to do the training with the GPU, download and install cuda before you go ahead and check compatibility between cuda and version of gcc and g++.

As a first step to start creating your dataset, you need to download the Kaldi project from github with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi.git

Once downloaded, you have to compile all the programs that you will need and will help you with dataset preparation and training. Then run the following command:

cd kaldi/tools/; make; cd ../src; ./configure; make

If you are NOT going to use the GPU for training, the command ./configure must become:

./configure --use-cuda=no

Then you have to edit the file cmd.sh under kaldi/egs/mini_librispeech/s5 (which is the directory where you will work until the end of the guide). Replace all queue.pl with run.pl.

ℹ️ If you are going to use Kaldi with software such as GridEngine, Tork, slurm and so on, you can overlook this change. If you want more specific information on which parallelization script to use, see here.

Finally you have to download this project too:

git clone https://github.com/matteo-39/vosk-build-model.git

make the scripts executable:

chmod +x vosk-build-model/*.sh

and copy them to the right directory:

cp vosk-build-model/*.sh PATH_TO_KALDI/egs/mini_librispeech/s5/

Data Creation

Thanks to this guide, you will be able to create the data/train directory with its necessary training files.

The directory will have to look something like this:

$ ls data/train
cmvn.scp data/ frame_shift text utt2num_frames wav.scp conf/ feats.scp spk2utt utt2dur utt2spk

There are only 3 files you have to create manually: text, wav.scp and utt2spk.


In the file you have to insert the utterance-id with the respective sentence. The utterance-id is simply a string that you can choose at random, but I suggest you to use this type of formatting: speakerName-incrementalNumber.

$ head -3 data/train/text
matteo-0 This is an example sentence
marco-1 This is an example sentence
veronica-2 This is an example sentence


In the file you have to insert the utterance-id with the respective absolute or relative path (depending on where you run the command, not where the wav.scp file is) of the audio file.

$ head -3 data/train/wav.scp
matteo-0 /home/kaldi/egs/mini_librispeech/s5/audio/test1.wav
marco-1 audio/test2.wav
veronica-2 audio/test3.wav


In the file you have to insert the utterance-id with the respective name of the speaker.

$ head -3 data/train/utt2spk
matteo-0 matteo
marco-1 marco
veronica-2 veronica

Files you don't need to create yourself


utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/train/utt2spk > data/train/spk2utt


ℹ️ If you did not use run.pl as a parallelization script, edit the following command.

steps/make_mfcc.sh --nj 20 --cmd "run.pl" data/train exp/make_mfcc/train $mfccdir


steps/compute_cmvn_stats.sh data/train exp/make_mfcc/train $mfccdir

The files data/train/segments, data/train/reco2file_and_channel and data/train/spk2gender are optional, so it's up to you to choose if they are needed for your model.

⚠️ The audio files that you are going to record or download from the internet for your dataset must have a format similar to: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz. You can check this with the file command, if you are on a linux distribution. Otherwise you may have problems, for example with the command steps/make_mfcc.sh --nj 20 --cmd "run.pl" data/train exp/make_mfcc/train $mfccdir.

Once you have created all the files, you can check if everything is correct with the following commands:

utils/validate_data_dir.sh data/train
utils/fix_data_dir.sh data/train (in case of errors with the previous command)

Lang Creation

To create the data/lang directory you only need to create one file, namely data/local/dict/lexicon.txt. This file consists of every single word in your utterances and its phoneme. Looking for a free program that allows to have the phoneme of a word of the Italian dictionary, but not only, I found espeak that with the command espeak -q -v it --ipa=3 test returns the phoneme, in this example, of the word 'test'.

The -q option is for not playing any voices, -v indicates the language, --ipa displays the phoneme according to the International Phonetic Alphabet, and the 3 argument in the --ipa option indicates that the output of the phoneme will be broken up by underscores. This will be useful since in the file data/local/dict/lexicon.txt the phoneme should have a form like:

$ head -2 lexicon.txt
test t ˈɛ s t
hi h ˈaɪ

So with a script in python, bash and so on, you can replace the underscores with a space.

When you are done with data/local/dict/lexicon.txt, you can start creating the other files under data/local/dict/.


cut -d ' ' -f 2- lexicon.txt | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort -u > nonsilence_phones.txt

⚠️ After running this command check, with any text editor, if the first line of the file is not empty, otherwise you have to delete it.


echo -e 'SIL\noov\nSPN' > silence_phones.txt


echo 'SIL' > optional_silence.txt

Once everything is created, it is important to add <UNK> SPN inside data/local/dict/lexicon.txt (by convention we insert it at the beginning of the file):

$ head -3 data/local/dict/lexicon.txt
test t ˈɛ s t
hi h ˈaɪ

Now you can run:

utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/dict "<UNK>" data/local/lang data/lang

Here too you can check if everything is correct with the commands:

utils/validate_lang.pl data/lang
utils/validate_dict_dir.pl data/local/dict

Language Model Creation

To create the language model you need to run the lm_creation.sh script. But first you need to create another file: data/local/corpus.txt. This file must contain all the sentences you want to use in your dataset, one for each line. To create it, you can simply start from the data/train/text file and with a script delete the utterance-id.

Also, to run lm_creation.sh, you have to install the SRILM library. To install it, download the .tar.gz file from this site. Once downloaded, rename the file so that there is no version number, so you have to end up with the file named like this: srilm.tar.gz. Now take the file and put it under the kaldi/tools folder and run:

./install_srilm.sh && ./env.sh

If env.sh does not run, you must make it executable with the chmod command.

Now you can create your language model with the following command:



Before you can start the actual training, you have to complete other steps such as alignment and monophonic training and so on. To do all this, just run this command:



As last things, you have to edit some lines inside the training script local/chain/tuning/run_tdnn_1j.sh with any text editor:


replace it with:


Still within local/chain/tuning/run_tdnn_1j.sh, edit:



--use-gpu=wait (if you do NOT have to use the GPU replace "wait" with "no")

and then also run:

sudo nvidia-smi -c 3

ℹ️ The reason for this command and the last change are cited here. Make sure you need to use the GPU in "wait" mode. In case you tried to start the training with "yes" and then got an error like error: core dump, try using "wait".

Then, inside local/nnet3/run_ivector_common.sh edit the lines:




Now run the training:


Get model

If the training didn't give you any error, to have your model compatible with Vosk you can start by taking all the necessary files and put them in a folder. This is done by running:


As a last thing you need to organize those files so that Vosk doesn't have any problems. Seeing from this site, in the "Model structure" section, you can move the files you have into your folder and place them that way.

You may have noticed that Vosk says that the conf/model.conf file must be created by you because it is not present after training. In all my models I have always created that file with the following lines:


Now you have your model perfectly compatible with Vosk.


  • If you get an error while doing the make under the src folder saying for example this version of cuda supports gcc versions <= 7.0, after installing the correct version of cuda, you will have to re-run the make under the tools folder first and then under src.
  • When running ./configure you may get an error asking you to download the MKL library. If you are on a debian based distribution, to download it you simply run sudo apt install intel-mkl . In the installation it will ask you to replace another library for 'BLAS and LAPACK'; I never did that. If even being on debian you don't find the package on your repositories, follow this guide.
  • If you got this error skipped: word WORD not in symbol state, it means that within data/lang/words.txt there is not that particular word. To solve it you have to correct the file data/local/dict/lexicon.txt, because most likely it's not there either, and run again cut -d ' ' -f 2- lexicon.txt | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort -u > nonsilence_phones.txt and utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/dict "<UNK>" data/local/lang data/lang
  • It may happen that the training crashes during iterations without a specific error and if you try to run nvidia-smi it will also return an error. To fix this, run sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1 before training.