
Face Mask Detector for an embedded platform and low-cost systems stm32 COVID-19

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Face-Mask-Detector for embedded platform and low cost systems

#covid19 #stm32 #ai

In this project, a Keras model for face mask detection is developed. We use a pruned model and then the project runs on a Nucleo Development board(F746ZG).

This is a sample output of the code that run on PC "Mask Detection.ipynb" and "eval_FM.ipynb":

system output

source image : https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/trump-michigan-15-rtr-jc-200521_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg

after importing "my_model_f.h5" model to embedded platform we have some difference in the output.

P image : sample images that have mask

N image : sample images that have not mask

The output of system on PC:

network output for N11 result for N11.bmp is without_mask

network output for N12 result for N12.bmp is without_mask

network output for N13 result for N13.bmp is without_mask

network output for N14 result for N14.bmp is without_mask

network output for P11 result for P11.bmp is with_mask

network output for P12 result for P12.bmp is with_mask

network output for P13 result for P13.bmp is with_mask

network output for P14 result for P14.bmp is with_mask

image probability of no mask in image probability of mask detection
P11 0.9862385 0.01376154
N11 2.6498967e-06 9.9999738e-01
P12 0.9984925 0.00150748
N12 9.114358e-04 9.990885e-01
P13 0.9965546 0.00344538
N13 0.03975931 0.9602407
P14 9.999670e-01 3.304353e-05
N14 0.01601863 0.9839813

The output of system on Nucleo board:

image probability of no mask in image probability of mask detection
P11 0.000309 0.999691
N11 0.999966 0.000034
P12 0.000158 0.999842
N12 0.000334 0.999666
P13 0.000334 0.999665
N13 0.999966 0.000034
P14 0.000158 0.999842
N14 0.000308 0.999692

stm32 AI diagram


Datasets and Reference

The main source code for reference and datasets


such a model can use in the street and with a red or green led signal to the pedestrian based on face mask status. for completion, it needs a face detection model that runs on board before mask detection. Now the face detection is not developed on board.

these models could be used with an attendance system for face mask detection.

Extra output

model file : my_model_f.h5

type : keras (keras_dump) - tf.keras 2.4.0

c_name : network

compression : 4

quantize : None

model_name : my_model_f

input : input_0 [10000 items, 39.06 KiB, ai_float, FLOAT32, (100, 100, 1)]

inputs (total) : 39.06 KiB

output : dense_1_nl [2 items, 8 B, ai_float, FLOAT32, (1, 1, 2)]

outputs (total) : 8 B

params # : 107,872 items (421.38 KiB)

macc : 6,238,250

weights (ro) : 115,112 B (112.41 KiB) (-73.32%)

activations (rw) : 207,760 B (202.89 KiB)

ram (total) : 247,768 B (241.96 KiB) = 207,760 + 40,000 + 8

my_model_f p=107872(421.38 KBytes) macc=6238250 rom=112.41 KBytes (-73.32%) ram=202.89 KiB io_ram=39.07 KiB