Global-TEP is a global solver for TEP (transmission expansion planning) problem considering the AC model of the transmission network. Global-TEP codes are written in Julia 1.6 using JuMP v0.21.6 as the mathematical optimization modeling language. To solve the LB and UB models, ILOG CPLEX v20.1 and Ipopt v3.12 are respectively used. To understand how Global-TEP works, you can refer to the manuscript: M. Mehrtash and Y. Cao, "A New Global Solver for Transmission Expansion Planning with AC Network Model," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3086085.
Global-TEP has been developed by:
Mahdi Mehrtash, University of British Columbia
Yankai Cao, University of British Columbia
If you find Global-TEP useful for your work, you might cite the manuscript:
author="Mehrtash, Mahdi
and Cao, Yankai",
title="A New Global Solver for Transmission Expansion Planning with AC Network Model",
journal="IEEE Transactions on Power Systems",
Compatible with Julia 1.6
Compatible with the lastest version of JuMP
Support MINLP
Support parallel computing