Graphical 2P chess built with Qt Quick QML and C++
- Save game
- View, load and delete saved games
- Auto save the game on crash or unprincipled closing
- Highlight cells the piece can go or hit
- Undo
- Positive and negative scores
- Random moves
- Extra moves
- Background music
- Full screen mode
- Bilingual (English and Persian)
- Animations
- ...
This game is a modified 2P chess with all chess rules plus some features:
If game ends by checkmate or stalemate, winner is player who has more scores, but if a player presses Surrend, other player wins.
Score is the key to win in this game, some movement have score:
- Hit: Pawn-> +3 , Queen-> +15 , others-> +8 (you can't hit the king!)
- Pawn pass away half of board: +3
- Check enemy king: +10
- Checkmate: +50
- Extra move: if you have 30 scores, you can make an extra move!
Some works increases your negative score , if your negative score reachs 15 , you will have a random move on a random piece.
- Undo: return last moved piece and adds 5 negative scores
- Touch piece: if you choose a moveable piece and reselct in this turn, you'll get 5 negative scores
- Game has auto save and you can continue crashed or closed games
- Negative scores won't be saved in file
- For game name, if a file exists with the same name, file will be overwriten
- In promotion, if you don't choose any chessman, game will crash, but you can continue game by laoding it
- Canceling game will delete save file and restarting will clear move history in file
- Saved Files with free spaces or unreadable moves, won't be opened