
A movie Application

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Movies application

How to Run

# Make sure you have Node.js installed

# Start the development server
yarn start

How to Run Tests

# Ensure that the development server is running
yarn test

API Used

  • API Name: OMDb API
    • Description: The Open Movie Database API provides information about movies, such as their title, release year, plot, and more.

Figma URL

Figma URL for design inspiration.

Folder Structure

  • components/: Contains reusable UI components such as buttons, inputs, etc.
  • config/: Includes configuration files for various environments or settings.
  • container/MainContainer/: Main container component that holds the layout structure of the application.
  • data/: Stores data related files, such as JSON files or data fetching utilities.
  • i18n/: Internationalization files for managing translations and localization.
  • models/services/: Houses data models and service files for interacting with APIs or databases.
  • navigation/: Handles navigation logic and routing configurations.
  • screens/: Contains individual screens or pages of the application.
  • services/: Provides service files for performing various tasks, such as authentication, data fetching, etc.
  • utils/: Utility files containing helper functions or modules used across the project.