This project is an implementation of the Intelika Swagger theme for web browsers as an extension. This allows users to easily apply the theme to their browser without having to add it as a dependency to their business projects. Currently, the extension is only available for Chrome, but contributions are welcome to implement it for other browsers as well. Feel free to contribute and help make this extension available on more browsers.

Unfortunately, due to restrictions for Iranian users, we are unable to publish this extension to webstores such as Chrome at this time. However, you can still access the extension by cloning it and loading it unpacked in Chrome. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the extension from the repository.
  2. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions.
  3. Turn on developer mode by toggling the switch in the top right corner.
  4. Click on "Load unpacked" and select the folder where you cloned the extension.
  5. The extension should now be loaded and ready to use in your browser.