The Working Saturday

CS 224 Object Oriented Programming and Design Methodologies: Final Project

Team Members

  • Maheen Anees (Group Leader)
  • Muhammad Salman Abid
  • Sara Mahmood
  • Uzair Khoso


Game Description:

Habib University is attacked by some enemies on a Saturday afternoon. You are required to save the university by defeating all the enemies located at Central Street and the Fire Courtyard. Hence, its a working saturday for you. If you are able to defeat all the enemies before you run out of health, you win the game. Otherwise, you lose.

Game Controls:

  • Arrow key for moving the player in four directions.
  • Press P for pause and unpause.
  • Press A to attack the enemy.

Project Playlist Link:

Total time spent:


Technical Requirements

  • Polymorphism:

  • Design Patterns:

    • Singleton: Game class satisfies the singleton design pattern. A static count variable
    • Factory:
    • Template:
    • Strategy:
  • Menu with Buttons:

    • Start Screen with new game and quit button.
    • End screen with play again button.
  • File I/O:

    • Each time the player plays the game, its score is compared with the highscore saved in scorefile.txt. If the current score is greater than the previously saved highscore, it is replace. Otherwise its not.
    • Score file is used to print highscore on the start screen.
  • Operator Overloading:


Maheen Anees:

  • Apart from the leader responsibilities, she worked mainly on the startScreen, endMenu and pause classes as highlighted in the UML.
  • She also worked on the screen transitioning from the start to the ingame screen and file i/o along with Sara and Salman.
  • She also worked on designing the buttons and screens.

Muhammad Salman Abid:

  • Salman worked on the Character class as well as player and enemy class inheriting from it.
