
Hello. Welcome to ethane repository. This repository contains the files and folders of a CNN News website Clone Project. Which was done by 5 awesome people. Check it out if you want

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clone of CNN

This is a Clone of CNN News Website


In this website you can search for news. you can do it just by entering the text in the search bar or you can see different categories on the menu bar which will show that particular news.



CNN uses a number of open source libraries:

  • [ReactJs] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • [Redux] - awesome web-based text editor etc..

Packages Used

  • @material-ui/core
  • axios
  • dotenv
  • font-awesome
  • i18next
  • i18next-browser-languagedetector
  • i18next-http-backend
  • netlify
  • pure-react-carousel
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-i18next
  • react-icons
  • react-redux
  • react-router-dom
  • redux
  • redux-thunk
  • styled-components
  • uuid