
The mini-project task is to create the Pe​tri ​N​et ​Design ​Studio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CS6388 Mini-Project


In this assignment we will a Petri Net for Mass-Spring-Dampers. Petri Nets are a formal, graphical, executable technique for the specification and analysis of concurrent, discrete-event dynamic systems.

Manual Installation

First, install the myminiproject following:

Second, start mongodb locally by running the mongod executable in your mongodb installation (you may need to create a data directory or set --dbpath).

Then, run webgme start from the project root to start . Finally, navigate to http://localhost:8888 to start using myminiproject!


  • Docker: sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jre-headless
  • WebGME: sudo apt-get install libtool

Before running the scripts

Start the WebGME Server

To build and launch (first time):

$ docker-compose up -d

To create new images (--no-cache) to force building from scratch:

$ docker-compose build

To launch again (leave out -d for non daemon launch):

$ docker-compose up -d

Short command for rebuilding and restarting

$ docker-compose up -d --build

To stop containers:

$ docker-compose stop

To clean up containers/images/networks:

$ docker system prune