Azure OpenAI Lecture Generation Demo


This is an example of how Azure OpenAI and Azure Cognitive Services text-to-speech technology can be utilized to create recorded lectures based on information from textbooks.

How to deploy

Run locally from Visual Studio Code or command prompt

  • Open VS Code terminal or command prompt.
  • Clone this repository and open in VS Code.
  • Create a new conda environment
    • conda create -n openaidemo_py39 python=3.9 anaconda
    • conda activate openaidemo_py39
    • For more info go to Conda documentation
  • Navigate to misc directory and run
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Provision Azure OpenAI service
  • Provision Azure Cognitive Services
  • Open modules/ file and scroll to very bottom
    • Update value for "deployment_name" tag for parent tag "gpt-35-turbo". This name you noted in steps above.
  • Almost there, rename .env_template file to .env
    • Renamed file should be placed within same directory as this file.
    • Replace placeholders with correct values.
  • Navigate to /app directory and run following command from VS Code terminal. This will open the App UI in a browser window.
    • streamlit run

Demo UI navigation

  • Curriculum Management --> Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering --> 3024 Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Curriculum details --> Load
  • Reference books --> Load
  • Chapters --> Chapter-1
  • Generate lecture script
    • Toggle to Lecture Script tab once generation is completed
  • Generate recording
    • To hear recording sample
    • Switch between speaker voices